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A step is a specific function that can be utilized within flows. This document discusses how to define and interact with steps in Wooks Workflows.

Step Definition

Defining a step is straightforward. Utilize the app.step() function to declare a step, as shown below:

app.step('step-name', {
    // input: ...,
    handler: () => { /* ... */ },

In this definition, 'step-name' is the identifier for the step and the handler function is what gets executed when the step is called within a flow.

Using Flow Context

In the context of a step, you can access the state associated with the current workflow by invoking the useWfState hook. Here's how to use it:

import { useWfState } from '@wooksjs/event-wf'

app.step('step-name', {
    // input: ...,
    handler: () => {
        const { ctx } = useWfState()
        const context = ctx<ContextType>() // ContextType should be replaced with the actual context type

The useWfState function returns an object containing the context (ctx) of the current flow.

Parametric Steps

A step can be made parametric by incorporating route parameters in its name. The route parameters can be accessed in the step's handler function using the useRouteParams hook, as demonstrated below:

import { useRouteParams } from '@wooksjs/event-core'

app.step('step-name/:param1/:param2', {
    // input: ...,
    handler: () => {
        const { get } = useRouteParams()
        console.log(get('param1')) // prints value of param1
        console.log(get('param2')) // prints value of param2

In the example above, :param1 and :param2 in the step name are placeholders for the actual parameters.

Requesting Inputs

There are two ways to request input within a step: statically, where the input is always required, or dynamically, where the input is conditionally required.

A static required input can be defined as a property input:

app.step('step-with-input', {
    input: { ... }, // input schema
    handler: () => { /* ... */ },

For dynamic or conditional inputs, you can return an inputRequired object from the step based on certain conditions:

import { useWfState } from '@wooksjs/event-wf'

app.step('step-with-input', {
    input: { ... }, // input schema
    handler: () => {
        const { input } = useWfState()
        const myInput = input<InputType>() // get input value
        if (!myInput /* && someInputCondition */) {
            return { inputRequired: { ... } }

In case the required input is not provided, the flow will be interrupted:

let output = await app.start('flow-with-input', {})
// the flow was interrupted due to lack of input for step "add"
console.log(output.finished) // false
console.log(output.inputRequired) // input schema
if (output.inputRequired) {
    output = app.resume('my-first-flow', output.state, <some input>) // resuming with input
    // resume shortcut:
    // output = output.resume(<some input>)
console.log(output.finished) // true

Handling Retriable Errors

A step can be configured to handle errors that can be retried. In the event of a failure that is retry-able, throw an instance of StepRetriableError. Here is an example:

import { StepRetriableError } from '@wooksjs/event-wf'

app.step('step-with-input', {
    handler: () => {
        throw new StepRetriableError(new Error("test error"))

Executing this step will interrupt the flow:

let output = await app.flow('flow-with-resumable-error', {})
console.log(output.finished) // false
console.log(output.error) // "test error"

// to retry we can resume flow:
output = await app.resume('flow-with-resumable-error', output.state)
// retry shortcut:
// output = await output.retry()

In this example, the flow-with-resumable-error flow is interrupted as soon as the StepRetriableError is thrown. The error message can be logged, and the flow can be resumed to retry the step.

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