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Routing in Workflows

Workflows in Wooks use @prostojs/router for routing. This means that the route concepts you're familiar with from the router are also applied to workflow steps.

Steps as Routes

Each step in the workflow is identified by a route, rather than a simple name. This means that step definitions can include parameters or wildcards, which makes workflows more flexible and powerful.

Static Step

A static step doesn't include any parameters or wildcards in its route:

app.step('step-name', () => {
    // do something

Parametric Step

A parametric step includes one or more route parameters in its route:

import { useRouteParams } from '@wooksjs/event-core';

app.step('add/:a/:b', (ctx) => {
    const { get } = useRouteParams();
    ctx.result = get('a') + get('b');

Here, the route add/:a/:b includes parameters a and b. The values of these parameters are retrieved using the get method from useRouteParams().

Wildcard Step

A wildcard step includes a wildcard (*) in its route:

import { useRouteParams } from '@wooksjs/event-core';

app.step('log/*', (ctx) => {
    const { get } = useRouteParams();

In this case, the wildcard * captures all parameters following log/ in the route.

Optional Parameter

A route parameter can be marked as optional by appending a question mark (?) to the parameter name:

app.step('optional/:param?', (ctx) => {
    // do something

Here, the step optional and optional/some-value are both handled by the same step handler, since param is marked as optional.

For more details about routing, including advanced routing features and concepts, please refer to the @prostojs/router documentation.

Released under the MIT License.