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Command Options

/cliapp$ wooks cli --options|

Wooks CLI supports handling options in your CLI commands. Options are typically defined with a double hyphen (--) or a single hyphen (-) prefix and can have an associated value.

To define options in Wooks CLI, you can use the options property when registering your command. Here's an example:

import { useCliOption } from '../../packages/event-cli'

app.cli('my-command', {
  options: [
    // Define the "--project" option with a shortcut as "-p"
    { keys: ['project', 'p'] },
  handler: () => {
    const project = useCliOption('project');
    return 'my command option project = ' + project;

With the above command configuration, you can execute the command as follows:

node your-script.js my-command --project=test

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut for project option:

node your-script.js my-command -p=test

This will trigger the CLI command with the project option set to "test" and log the result to the console.

Released under the MIT License.