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Command Usage (Help)

/cliapp$ wooks cli --help|

The Cli Help rendering option in Wooks CLI provides a convenient way to generate command-line interface (CLI) help and usage information for your commands. It utilizes the CliHelpRenderer class (from @prostojs/cli-help) under the hood to generate formatted output based on the provided command configuration.


To enable the Cli Help rendering option, you need to define the command documentation when calling WooksCli.cli() to register your command. Here's an example of how to use it:

app.cli('my-command/:arg', {
  description: 'Description of the command',
  options: [
    { keys: ['project', 'p'], description: 'Description of the option', value: 'myProject' },
  args: { arg: 'Description of the arg' },
  aliases: ['cmd'],
  examples: [
      description: 'Example of usage with someProject',
      cmd: 'argValue -p=someProject',
  handler: () => '...',

In the above example, we define a command named my-command/:arg with its description, options, arguments, aliases, examples, and a command handler.

Command Description

The description property allows you to provide a description for your command. It should give users an understanding of what the command does.


app.cli('my-command', {
  description: 'Description of the command', 
  handler: () => '...',


The options property is an array that defines the available options for your command. Each option is represented by an object with the following properties:

  • keys: An array of option keys that describe synonyms for the option. For example, ['project', 'p'] stands for --project=... input, and it has a shortcut -p=... that can be used as an alternative option.
  • description: (Optional) The description of the option, which explains its purpose.
  • value: (Optional) An example of the value that will be represented in the CLI command usage.


app.cli('my-command', {
  options: [{ 
    keys: ['project', 'p'], 
    description: 'Description of the option', 
    value: 'myProject' 
  handler: () => '...',


The args property is an object where each key represents the name of an argument, and the corresponding value is the description of the argument. It helps users understand the purpose of each argument in the command.


app.cli('my-command/:name', {
  args: { name: 'Description of the argument name' },  
  handler: () => '...',


The aliases property is an array that allows you to specify aliases for your command. Aliases provide alternative names for the command, making it more flexible for users.


app.cli('my-command', {
  aliases: ['cmd'], 
  handler: () => '...',


The examples property is an array that contains examples demonstrating the usage of your command. Each example is represented by an object with the following properties:

  • description: A description explaining the purpose of the example.
  • cmd: The command string that represents the example. This command will be displayed in the help output.


app.cli('my-command', {
  examples: [{   
      description: 'Example of usage with someProject',  
      cmd: 'argValue -p=someProject',  
  handler: () => '...',

Command Handler

The handler property represents the function that will be executed when the command is invoked. This function can contain the logic for handling the command and returning the desired result.


app.cli('my-command', {
  handler: () => {     
    return 'my-command executed'     

Automatic Help Display

To enable automatic help display when the --help option is used, you can use the useAutoHelp composable function within your command's handler. Here's an example:

app.cli('root/:arg', {
  args: { arg: 'First argument' },
  description: 'Root Command Descr',
  options: [
    { keys: ['project', 'p'], description: 'Project name', value: 'test' },
  aliases: ['root'],
  handler: () => {
    if (useAutoHelp()) {  
      process.exit(0); // Stop the command if help is displayed 
    // Proceed with handling the command
    return 'done ' + useCliOption('project');

When running this command with option --help you'll see the usage instructions:

node your-script.js root --help

In the above example, useAutoHelp is used to check if the --help option was supplied. If it is detected, the command usage and help information will be printed, and the command execution will be stopped by calling process.exit(0).

Please note that useAutoHelp is only triggered if the command is routed to one of the registered handlers. If the command is valid but the input is missing the required arguments, the router won't be able to match the input to the corresponding handler. Therefore, the handler won't be processed and useAutoHelp function won't be invoked. To handle such cases and still provide the user with usage help instructions, you can utilize the onUnknownCommand hook provided in the createCliApp options. Inside the onUnknownCommand hook, you can use the useAutoHelp function to check if the --help option is present and display the command usage instructions accordingly, ensuring that the user receives the necessary guidance even when the input doesn't match due to missing arguments. Here's an example:

// Create a CLI app with onUnknownCommand hook
const app = createCliApp({
    // This callback is triggered when the CLI command is not recognized by the router
    onUnknownCommand: (path, raiseError) => {
        // Whenever cli command was not recognized by router
        // this callback will be called        
        if (!useAutoHelp()) {
            // Display command lookup help if command help was not found
            // Raise a standard error when the command is not recognized

In the example above, the onUnknownCommand hook utilizes useAutoHelp to check if the --help option is present. If the option is not detected, the useCommandLookupHelp function is used to display command lookup help, which includes a list of suggested commands that closely match what the user entered. Finally, an error is raised to indicate that the command was not recognized.

By leveraging the Cli Help rendering option and the useAutoHelp composable function, you can provide helpful command-line usage information and facilitate a better user experience for your CLI commands.

Released under the MIT License.