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Creating a Custom Wooks Adapter for Your Event Type

Wooks is designed to handle various event types beyond just HTTP. You can create custom adapters that provide a similar developer experience for any event-driven scenario — such as workflows, jobs, or specialized protocols. The approach parallels what you’ve seen with the core concepts in @wooksjs/event-core and the built-in HTTP adapter.


To create a custom adapter, you’ll need to:

  1. Define Event and Context Types:
    Describe your event shape (including a type) and the state you want to store per-event. (See the Custom Event Context for patterns and examples.)

  2. Create Context Functions:
    Write functions that create and access the event context using createAsyncEventContext() and useAsyncEventContext().
    (See the Custom Event Context for patterns and examples.)

  3. Write Composables:
    Implement composables that use the store API (init, get, set, del) to interact with event-scoped data.
    (See the Custom Event Context for patterns and examples.)

  4. Extend WooksAdapterBase:
    Build a class extending WooksAdapterBase to:

    • Register event handlers using the Wooks router.
    • Provide a method to trigger events by creating their context, looking up handlers, and executing them.

Defining Types and Creating the Context

Before coding, you need:

  • An Event Data Interface, e.g. TMyEventData, describing the event fields and type.
  • A Context Store Interface, e.g. TMyContextStore, describing the data you’ll store during event handling.

Once you have those interfaces, follow the patterns described in the Custom Event Context to:

  • Implement createMyContext(data, options) that sets up the async event context.
  • Implement useMyContext() that retrieves and manipulates that context.

Writing Composables

With useMyContext() available, create composables that use store('key') to manage data. Use init for lazy loading and get/set for reading and updating state.
(See the Working with Stores for more on the store pattern.)

Extending WooksAdapterBase

Your custom adapter will extend WooksAdapterBase and:

  • Register event handlers, mapping a method like on('MY_EVENT', routeId, handler) so that events of type MY_EVENT and a given routeId map to a particular handler.
  • Provide a method (e.g. triggerEvent) to:
    1. Create an event context via createMyContext().
    2. Lookup handlers using the Wooks router.
    3. Execute the handlers inside the event context callback.

Example Implementation

import { TEventOptions, useAsyncEventContext, createAsyncEventContext } from '@wooksjs/event-core'
import { WooksAdapterBase, Wooks } from 'wooks'
import type { TWooksHandler } from 'wooks'

// Define event data interface
interface TMyEventData {
  type: 'MY_EVENT'
  payload: unknown

// Define context store interface
interface TMyContextStore {
  data?: {
    items?: string[]

// Create context
function createMyContext(
  data: Omit<TMyEventData, 'type'>,
  options: TEventOptions
) {
  return createAsyncEventContext<TMyContextStore, TMyEventData>({
    event: {,
      type: 'MY_EVENT',

function useMyContext() {
  return useAsyncEventContext<TMyContextStore, TMyEventData>('MY_EVENT')

// Example composable
function useMyData() {
  const { store } = useMyContext()
  const dataStore = store('data')
  function getItems() {
    return dataStore.init('items', () => {
      // Lazy-load items
      return ['item1', 'item2']

  return { getItems }

// Custom adapter
class MyEventAdapter extends WooksAdapterBase {
   * Register a handler for MY_EVENT with a given routeId.
   * @param routeId Identifies a specific path or command for this event type
   * @param handler The handler function
  public registerEventRoute(routeId: string, handler: TWooksHandler) {
    return this.on('MY_EVENT', routeId, handler)

   * Trigger event with a given routeId and payload.
   * @param routeId The route identifier to lookup handlers
   * @param payload The event payload
   * @param opts Additional event options (like logger configs)
  public async triggerEvent(
    routeId: string,
    payload: unknown,
    opts?: TEventOptions
  ) {
    const runInContext = createMyContext({ payload }, this.mergeEventOptions(opts))
    return runInContext(async () => {
      // Lookup handlers for this event type and routeId
      const { handlers } = this.getWooks().lookup('MY_EVENT', `/${routeId}`)
      if (handlers && handlers.length > 0) {
        // Execute all matched handlers in context
        for (const handler of handlers) {
          await handler()
      } else {
        // Handle not found scenario
        // e.g. this.getLogger('MyEventAdapter').warn('No handler found for route', routeId)


  • Define event data and store types: Refer to the Custom Event Context for details.
  • Create context functions: createMyContext() and useMyContext() ensure each event runs within its own typed context.
  • Use composables for logic: Manage state with the store API to keep code clean and testable.
  • Extend WooksAdapterBase: Integrate with Wooks’ router to map event routes and handle triggers, creating a seamless developer experience similar to HTTP or workflow events.

Released under the MIT License.